Kate Young, Author at Test Your Intolerance - Page 4 of 8

Kate Young, BSc

Lab Manager

Posts by Kate Young:

The rise of gluten intolerance

Gluten intolerance is becoming increasingly common but continues to be largely undiagnosed! But now, with more and more people ordering an intolerance test, people are beginning to battle against their symptoms and alleviate them. Getting rid of your headaches, bloated stomach, and even skin rashes can lead to a happier and healthier you. See below […]

Oat Intolerance Image

What is an oat intolerance?

An Oat intolerance is what happens if you have a food-specific reaction to a certain food item. This could be any sort of food item, including oats. But what if oats are a major part of your diet? How do you know if you have an oat intolerance? Well, there is one simple way to […]

A test for food intolerances during Winter

Well, you’ve probably landed on this page because you are experiencing intolerance symptoms and you are looking to purchase a test for food intolerances. Well, you have come to the right place! Test Your Intolerance Canada are able to offer expert tests for food intolerances, as they help you to identify what food items are […]